There’s no shortage of data and analytic services in today’s marketplace, but taking advantage of these tools requires the know-how of experienced lenders. At TruDecision, we are experts with a proven track record for creating analytic tools, optimizing performance, and building auto finance platforms from start-up to billion dollar producers.

See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us!

Expert Score

Custom tailored to each lender’s unique risk profile, Expert Score provides a more accurate assessment of, and deeper insight into, the credit payment risks of sub-prime borrowers.

  • Built using multiple credit and consumer behavior models that account for widely varied profiles of sub-prime customers
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing program tiers and pricing structures
  • More powerful, cost effective and reliable than traditional and custom models
  • Built by experienced sub-prime lenders
  • Calibrated for credit cycle changes
  • Loss estimates uniquely calibrated to each lender’s portfolio

Income Validation Model

Enhance your ability to assess an applicant’s capacity to pay with TruDecision’s Income Validation Model.  This tool improves decision-making by validating the customer’s stated income against numerous models and data sources, providing the lender with valuable insight and efficiencies in the verification process. Selectively reduce stips on low-risk consumers, while targeting verification resources where they are most needed.

  • Measures a customer’s ability to maintain an income stream over time
  • Focus your time and money on verifying the most risky segments
  • The result: stronger risk management, better fraud detection, and responsible and timely credit decisions

Income Validation Model

Enhance your ability to assess an applicant’s capacity to pay with TruDecision’s Income Validation Model.  This tool improves decision-making by validating the customer’s stated income against numerous models and data sources, providing the lender with valuable insight and efficiencies in the verification process. Selectively reduce stips on low-risk consumers, while targeting verification resources where they are most needed.

  • Measures a customer’s ability to maintain an income stream over time
  • Focus your time and money on verifying the most risky segments
  • The result: stronger risk management, better fraud detection, and responsible and timely credit decisions

Expert Collections Score

Prioritize accounts with higher and lower risk of rolling to collect more dollars with fewer resources.  TruDecision applies their customized suite of proprietary attributes to your data to collect more dollars with less expense.

  • Identify accounts that require minimal effort
  • Focus on accounts needing more intensive treatment
  • Reduce roll rates and collect more dollars
  • Load balance effort to minimize seasonal staffing issues

Custom Models

Drive superior results with TruDecision’s Custom Model Development.  Over two decades of experience building and deploying models on multi-billion dollar portfolios.  Proven expertise, thousands of proprietary data attributes and cutting-edge modeling sophistication applied to your data.

  • Custom Acquisition Credit Scoring
  • Behavioral Scoring
  • Deferment Scoring
  • Price Optimization
  • Collections Staffing
  • Loss Forecasting and Provisioning


Become a Lender Partner


    TruDecision is aligned with several key integration partners in driving transformational change for our clients.